So continuing from our story last week. We saw Mr Shittapenz get fired, bring a successful claim for unfair dismissal, and getting an award of £70,000 (paid for by his ex employers’ insurers!)
So Mr Shittapenz is £70,000 richer but without a job.
What now, he thinks?
Mr Shittapenz had always had a passion for property and always dreamed of running his own estate agency.
Did he want to be one of the growing 500,000 brave individuals that start a company every year he asked himself?
On Monday he thought “no I don’t”.
On Tuesday he thought “actually I wouldn’t mind”
On Wednesday he had a hangover so didn’t think at all.
On Thursday he heard this quote: “you don’t have to be great to start but you have to start to be great”
So on Friday he contacted Ltd Companies and formed his company: “Properties R Us Ltd” He buys professional indemnity insurance, public liability and legal expense insurance.
So he is off!!
The first thing he does is look for office space. After some searching he finds that if he moves the hoover he can just about fit into the cupboard under the stairs in his flat.
He works hard.
He treats all his customers with respect. He does what he says he is going to do when he says he is going to do it. His customers like him.
His business grows.
He needs a bigger space and moves into the garage for a while and then moves into a premises on the High Street.
All is well. Until……..
Tweet and re-tweet to find out what happens next.